Monday, February 4, 2013

Levi's Nursery

Creating Levi's baby nursery was so much fun! I was inspired by so many great nursery's on Pinterest! It was so hard to find boy bedding that I liked, without it being the normal babyish themes that stores put out. There were so many cute and different girl themes, why couldn't there be a cute modern boy theme that he could grow with?

I searched a lot on Pinterest and found some great Ideas. I went on and picked out three different patterns I liked, and my friend told me she would make the bedding for me, since I don't know how to sew! I was sooo excited to see the finished product.

Here are some pictures from his nursery.

I still have to get a mirror to hang above his dresser! It's not 100% complete yet!

Of course, the nursery isn't complete without the baby and the baby pictures hanging on the wall, but this is a start!

The crib is a Delta 4in1 Convertible crib in black! I absolutely love this crib. I purchased it off of for a great price!!

All the fabric was Premier Prints from

The bookshelf is from Target, of course!

The bedding and curtains were all sewn by a friend of mine.

I used the left over fabrics to cover the canvases in order to spell his name above his bed. I got the letters and canvases from Michaels.

We can't wait to meet our little boy who is due in less than 8 weeks! I hope this nursery will inspire you to create your own look!! There are cute designs out there for boys other than a jungle theme ;)


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